Welcome to SexSex.Sex, where we turn lead generation into an unforgettable, humor-filled adventure! Ready to make your business stand out? Click here, let's turn those maybes into solid yes Yes together.

Who We Are

We are SexSex.Sex, a digital marketing and lead generation powerhouse with a twist. Born out of a need to stand out in the crowded online marketing space, we bring together two decades of industry expertise, a fearless attitude, and a good dose of humor to make your marketing journey unforgettable.

Our Story

Two decades in the online marketing and lead generation business had us itching for a change. We wanted something fun, something bold, and something that would stick in people's minds like chewing gum on a hot sidewalk.

So, we started brainstorming. One evening, after one too many cups of coffee and a non-stop marathon of comedy shows, an idea sparked. What if we take a cheeky approach to our domain name? What if we make it so unforgettable that even your grandma will remember it? That's when SexSex.Sex was born.

It's unconventional, it's bold, and it's hilariously memorable. People started doing double-takes, and the laughter followed. Some thought we were nuts, but hey, nuts are also memorable, right? And they're great in desserts. Now there's a thought - maybe our next domain name will be!

All kidding aside, while we’re having a blast with our new identity, we haven’t forgotten what we’re here for. We're still the same dedicated team, generating high-quality leads for businesses, and mastering the art of online marketing. The only difference? We’re now doing it with a domain name that has more "sex" than a rabbit farm and a sense of humor to boot. Welcome to the unforgettable world of SexSex.Sex!

Our Service

At SexSex.Sex, we offer a unique blend of services designed to make your online presence unforgettable

Email Marketing

Email Marketing: At SexSex.Sex, we transform your email marketing into engaging conversations that convert. Let's turn those inboxes into a goldmine of opportunities together!

Content Marketing

We craft compelling content that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impression. It's time to tell your story the SexSex.Sex way!

Paid Advertising

Unleash the power of targeted paid advertising with SexSex.Sex. We ensure your ad spend brings value, not just views!

Search Optimization

Don't get lost in the vast sea of search results - with our tailored SEO strategies, we'll put your business right where it needs to be: on top. Welcome to standout search optimization with SexSex.Sex!

Our Recent Projects


App Development


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App Development


App Development


App Development


App Development


App Development


App Development


App Development

Social Media Marketing

At SexSex.Sex, we're pros at turning your social media into a lead-generating party. We crank up the fun, make your brand the life of the social media shindig, and invite your target audience to join in. How many leads do you need? Just tell us your dream guest list size!

Once the party kicks off, we don't just mingle. We create memorable moments with well-targeted ads, trendy influencer collabs, and interactive content that keep your audience coming back for more. And remember, we're not just about getting the party started - we're here to make sure your guests stick around, turning those potential customers into loyal fans. It's time for a social media party that pays off, and SexSex.Sex knows just how to throw it!

Service Management

we believe in a hands-on, fun approach to managing your services. We take care of the nitty-gritty details, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business. With us, it's not just about delivering exceptional service; it's about creating a memorable experience that leaves you grinning from ear to ear. Let SexSex.Sex manage your services, and watch your business thrive!

A Marketing agency that helps you succeed

Welcome to SexSex.Sex, a marketing agency with a fun twist that's serious about your success. We mix humor, creativity, and strategic brilliance to create unforgettable campaigns that turn leads into conversions. Let's succeed together - the SexSex.Sex way!





Per Month

Social Media Management & Basic Email Marketing

Basic SEO & Content Marketing

Advanced SEO Optimization & Extended Social Media Campaigns

Premium Content Marketing Strategies

Intensive Full-Scale Advertising Campaign & Dedicated Account Manager



Per Month

Social Media Management & Basic Email Marketing

Basic SEO & Content Marketing

Advanced SEO Optimization & Extended Social Media Campaigns

Premium Content Marketing Strategies

Intensive Full-Scale Advertising Campaign & Dedicated Account Manager



Per Year

Social Media Management

Basic Email Marketing

Advanced SEO Optimization & Extended Social Media Campaigns

Premium Content Marketing Strategies

Intensive Full-Scale Advertising Campaign & Dedicated Account Manager

Frequently Asked Question

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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Your Title Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

Blog & Articles


Does Pardon Applications of Canada Have Real Reviews?

May 15, 20233 min read

"Your past does not define your future. With Pardons and Waivers of Canada, we turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones – paving your path towards a life free from the constraints of a criminal record. Together, let's unlock your full potential and secure your travel freedom."- Chatgpt


Welcome to – Pardons and Waivers of Canada – the leading nationwide Canadian Pardon (Record Suspension) and U.S. Entry Waiver (I-192) application completion firm. Since 2011, we've served thousands of Canadians and residents, helping them remove the stigma of a criminal record and secure travel freedom to the United States.

We are an A+ BBB Accredited firm, committed to providing the highest quality service and achieving successful outcomes for our clients. Our dedicated team of Officers, Paralegals, and Associates specialize in Pardon and U.S. Waiver applications, ensuring the process is efficient and effective.

Below, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our services. If your question isn't answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us. Let's embark on this journey towards a brighter future together.

8 Reasons

With that said, here are 8 reasons why you should start today! 👊

1. Unmatched Expertise:

 As the leading nationwide Canadian Pardon and U.S. Entry Waiver application completion firm, we offer an unparalleled wealth of knowledge and experience.

2. Cost Efficiency:

Our clients typically save 40%-60% in legal fees by choosing us over a traditional lawyer.

3. Real and Verified Reviews:

We pride ourselves on our stellar reviews from real clients, verified by the BBB and Google.

4. BBB A+ Rating:

We are A+ but not Accredited by the Better Business Bureau of Ottawa, demonstrating our commitment to ethical business practices and customer satisfaction.

5. Diligent Support:

Each of our clients receives attentive support, regular updates, and personalized care throughout the process.

6. Adherence to Strict Guidelines:

We use RCMP Accredited fingerprints and adhere strictly to Canadian and U.S. government processing guidelines.

7. Independent from the Government:

While we aren't a government body, we facilitate the application process for Pardons and U.S. Waivers, much like an accountant preparing a tax return.

8. Improved Life Prospects

We help thousands of individuals every year remove the stigma of a criminal record, enhancing their career prospects and securing their freedom to travel.

Record Removal Checklist:

  1. Confirm Eligibility: Ensure that you're eligible to apply for a pardon or record suspension based on the nature of your offense and the time that has passed since you completed all of your sentence, including probation and payment of fines.

  2. Gather Documents: You will need various documents such as your proof of citizenship or immigration documents, copies of your conviction documents, and local police records checks.

  3. Fingerprinting: Have your fingerprints taken by an RCMP-accredited agency for the purpose of obtaining your criminal record from the RCMP.

  4. Request Court Information: Request a copy of the court judgment for each of your convictions, which includes specific details about your offenses.

  5. Local Police Checks: Obtain a local police records check from each city or town where you have lived during the past five years.

  6. Employment and Character References: Collect as many reference letters as possible attesting to your good character.

  7. Complete the Application: Fill out the application form for a pardon or record suspension thoroughly and accurately.

  8. Submit the Application: Submit the completed application, along with all necessary documents and fees, to the appropriate government agency.

  9. Wait for Review: The government agency will review your application, which may take several months. Keep track of your application's progress.

  10. Follow Up: If the application is approved, your criminal record will be sealed. If not, find out the reasons and determine if you can address them and reapply.

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John Doe

Finance Manager

I loved the customer service you guys provided me. That was very nice and patient with questions I had. I would really like definitely come back here. Thank you for yours service


John Doe

Finance Manager

I loved the customer service you guys provided me. That was very nice and patient with questions I had. I would really like definitely come back here. Thank you for yours service


John Doe

Finance Manager

I loved the customer service you guys provided me. That was very nice and patient with questions I had. I would really like definitely come back here. Thank you for yours service

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